Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Being a protester, (Fake story)

“1, 2, 3, 4 we don’t want any racist tour” we cheered as we marched to the rugby stadium. We had signs saying “Stop being racist”. I was a young protester demonstrating against the Springbok Tour of New Zealand. I had my shield to protect me in case  the police might hit me with their batton. I picked a rock up and hit the police. A lady walked past with blood all over her head.

We broke through the fence and stormed in the middle of the field and chanted. A plane went past dropping smoke bombs. We coughed but we didn't fall down. We stayed standing and strong. I was feeling anxious because we were surrounded by angry rugby fans throwing cans and bottles and us.

Police had helmets and heavy protective gear. They had black uniforms with big shields and battens.They tried to make a barricade. In the front of me were all these people with signs they were using as shields. They got to wear it because they were in front and the police would hit them with their batten.

My friend got whacked and I helped him get out of the way. I took him to a tent to help him get stitched up. So I went out and kept protesting. NZ people wanted south africa to come and play rugby and thats why I was protesting.

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