Children should eat lollies because...
Children should not eat lollies because...
There yum.
It makes their teeth come out.
There sweet.
It can give diabetes
they're Tasty.
It can make you hyper.
There colourful and cheap.
It makes you fat.
It puts a smile on your face.
If you eat to much it kills you.
Lollies are bad for your teeth but also yum. It can make your teeth fall out. I only eat lollies on saturdays. It can make you fat too. It can give diabetes. Diabetes can kill you if you eat something junk again. Theres sometimes and all the time to eat.

Lollies can make you hyper. Hyper make you run around and jumpy. Sometimes I like to be hyper. When I'm hyper I run back and forth and jump all around. It gives you energy but at the end your like puffed out and tired.
When you grow up and eat to much lollies. I think your gonna be lazy and fat. If you grow up fat by the end of 30. I think you probably have diabetes. You can die from diabetes too. You would have to go to the hospital to get check ups every week. So you wouldn't want that.
Sometimes it puts a smile on your face. But if you eat to much you will die. Once you see it you have a smile on your face. But when you hear a story about people dying because of lollies. Then you can bribe them to stop eating and save up your money.