My net book hasn't had any problem not once. But it has to be checked just in case. In my class some of my friends dropped there net book like my friend Michale he dropped it and it ha d a big as crack right in the middle going half way.
I like my net book and I take care of it every day. Ill feed it with a charger I will hold it properly I will never do any thing wrong with it. My class loves there net book and if it is gone they will suffer.
All of the school learns by the net book. By going on maths whizz. Math whizz is a site that has subtractions times,take aways,divide,plus any thing that dose with reading righting maths and topic. Or finding out something on Internet.
Most of all we like to do on our net book is going on games,YouTube, any thing that is fun. We found this site called fun trivia is a answer game about Geoffrey,Animals and all kind of things.