Thursday, March 31, 2011

My net book

My net book

This is me setting up my net book. I love to play on it. It,s fun to do your work because it is your own. You can do any think on it like your work and other staff. Most of all I like to play on the games it is called tux typing. It,s like it,s from mini clip the game.

All we done is play games in the morning. And in the after noon we were going on goggle apps and do our blog. it is so fun that it,s your own it,s like you can take it home but we got to leave it at school. if we are stuck on any think our teacher helps us.

Holiday hlight

Holiday highlight

Me and my cousin Peyton. We went to opotiki. When we got there it took us seven hour to get there. It took so long that I fell asleep. And finally we got there I was doing back flips on the trampoline.

Over Opotiki I was on a horse and I fell of it so I walked up the hill and steeped in poo it was Yuk. It felt warm and slimy.

My cousin Nicklaus hes got a laptop. He has a hard drive and I was watching Bruce lee martial arts movies and jet lee to. It was assume and I missed out on dinner because I was busy watching movies.

I saw boy his real name is James. He goes to my cousin school. My cousin
dose not like him. I went to the pools it,s only one dollar to get in. I went with my big cousin it was fun because we were aloud to do a bomb.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Can animalse go with out food

Snakes can not eat for a long time they only eat at summer. They can curl up and sleep for lots of months. Most commend snakes eats at summer they curl up at winter in till it is summer so they haded a long sleep for shore.

Bears sleep for along time in winter and the manly get there fat stored in there fattening place. They have along time of rest in winter in till it is summer.

Carmel's can walk in the desert for along time. They ceap there food in there hump and they can ceap there food in there in till they can find a place to eat.

Can animalse go with out food

Snakes can not eat for a long time they only eat at summer. They can curl up and sleep for lots of months. Most commend snakes eats at summer they curl up at winter in till it is summer so they haded a long sleep for shore.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Saop box derby

Soap box derby

First we went on a van with these t-shirt it was our school colors black and white. We were at stone field ave it’s closest to G.I. Our school has this cool go cart thing it’s so cool. We went down this gigantic hill we verse lots of schools. And our drivers were me,Maru,Gabriel and Chate. We had three races each.


There was an white horse it had something on it’s head it had a horn on it’s head. It was so bright I can only see the face. I think it doesn't ageist. it looked like it lived in India so I decided to take it for an walk in the park in till it went.

The horse got mixed up with the rhinoceros. The Greek man was drawing the rhinoceros but he never. He drew a horse with a big horn on it’s head he wanted to draw a rhinoceros but it looked more like a horse instead.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Over camp we got to go there at Wednesday and you got to pay it. It cost 60 dollars to go we got to bring our bags that has our clothing and our stuff that we need. When we are there we got to sit in a big hall and lison to our teacher. then we get our other bags and we get a pack lunch,water,gugles,towel and some shorts because we are going to swiarama it's a name for the pool and there is a hidederslide a big diving Bord and all so there is a small one. There is a big racing pool and just a pool a big pool. I wanted to go on the ding board but I never I went to this place with a big playing water park but it is not it has got a pole that has holes in it that shots out and a big thing it's like a bucket it well have some water and it will fall on you just the water. I've been swimming for a long time so I went to the water park it is so fun and a bit funny because this holey thing I hopt on it and I fell of it. I was at the thing with the bucket well I was there.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Here is my friend playing cricket and has smacked the ball. You can see it rolling on the grass and you can see my other friend chasing it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011



We were in the hall getting ready for our tournament for our gear we had a pack lunch a water socks and shose a cap a jacket just in case it's raining and some shorts. We were versing four other schools. Our team worked hard but we lost the first round so that was ok. Eaven if we lost. It was ok because we won three mache's one of the schools name is st Patrick,Glenbray,Glean innis,and our school well some people know our schools name it is Point eangland. So we lost one mach. We won three mache's. and at the. We had these staff at throing,caching,and I think that is all. Our school won throwing and caching end we got a milo t-shirt.